Everything we do has a plan; we just don’t realize it

Everything we do has a plan; we just don’t realize it. When to get up in the morning has plan. How to brush your teeth has a plan. How you make your coffee has a plan. How you would like to run your business has a plan. Think about it…

You decide to go on a trip. Next you decide where you want to go to. The plan has started. The destination will not change.

Variables (recalculating) are the date, methods of travel and weather conditions. For each one of these and combinations off all you can plan for different scenarios (scenario planning).

The process of getting to a plan is more important than the plan.

Too many people come up with an (one) idea, and then require a (one) plan to get to the end-goal.

Decide the end-goal.

Come up with many ideas/ways (recalculations) to get to the same end-goal; use many people.

Collectively agree on the top 3-5 ideas.

Scenario-plan (recalculate) each idea/way to get to the same end-goal.

By now you would’ve scenario-planned the ideas/ways with (1) experience, and (2) what you can think of.

The variables are (1) what you don’t have experience with, and (2) what you cannot think of.

You will be in a better position to deal better with, recalculate unforeseen circumstances…

Ideas don’t change anything.

Implementation of the best possible thought-of, recalculated ideas changes everything.












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